1. What does the official report say about education in India?
2. What were the aims of the ambitious law? For what ages?
3. How many are likely to abandon school?
4. What does the teacher say to the boy? Why?
5. What are their reasons to discriminate children?
6. Who are the most discriminated?
7. What does the government fail to do?
2. What were the aims of the ambitious law? For what ages?
3. How many are likely to abandon school?
4. What does the teacher say to the boy? Why?
5. What are their reasons to discriminate children?
6. Who are the most discriminated?
7. What does the government fail to do?
Identify in the text words that mean:
a) Official document
b) Continually
c) Included
d) Probably
e) Stop going
f) In the end
g) Go
h) Control
a) Official document
b) Continually
c) Included
d) Probably
e) Stop going
f) In the end
g) Go
h) Control
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